
If you're concerned about the effect of your HVAC system on the environment, you're not alone. Learn more about how regular maintenance helps here.

About Me
Green Comfort: How HVAC Contractors Help With Energy Efficiency

Good day. My name is Darryl and I work as a government researcher for the energy sector. I prepare reports which suggest ways that energy can be conserved and made cheaper. One area that is particularly under the spotlight is the effect of heating, ventilation and cooling systems on the environment. Whilst preparing my latest research report, I have been amazed by the energy efficiency that can be gained by installing the right HVAC systems. I even contacted professional HVAC contractors to upgrade, maintain and repair the systems in my own home because I learnt that older systems can use more energy without regular checks. I'm sure that there are others like me who aren't aware of the importance of choosing the right HVAC system. I hope to share a little of what I have learnt in my blog and help spread awareness. Thank you for your time.


Why You Should Switch to a Cool Breeze Air Conditioning Unit

9 January 2018
, Blog

Each area experiences unique weather conditions. That is why cool breeze air conditioning was developed to specifically address weather conditions in Australia. A cool breeze air conditioning unit is a more effective machine for the home. It is built for superior quality, performance, and durability. What sets cool breeze air conditioning apart from other regular air conditioners is its ability to filter out contaminated air while increasing the efficiency with which it keeps the home cool and comfortable. Read More …

Reasons to Engage In Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance

12 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Although your home's air conditioning system typically operates in the background, it does not mean that it requires less maintenance when compared to other electrical appliances in your house. This system is made up of a myriad of complex mechanical components. As such, it is prudent to carry out regular maintenance to ensure that the components run at optimum to prolong the efficiency of your unit. Here are some of the reasons why it is essential to engage in regular air conditioning maintenance. Read More …

Keep it Clean: How to Clean a Ducted Air Conditioning System

8 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Because you can't see the ducted air conditioning system in your home, it is easy to forget that it needs cleaning now and again. If you do not keep the system clean, it can become filled with dirt, dust and debris. This can affect the efficiency of your air conditioning system and impact on the air quality in your home. Below is a brief guide to cleaning your ducted air conditioning system. Read More …

How to make your home more energy efficient

26 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are concerned about rising energy costs, there are steps that can be taken to make your home more energy efficient and thus lower your electricity and heating bills. In addition to saving you a significant amount of money, the following suggestions will also help to reduce your household's impact on the environment. Invest in some solar panels One of the best ways to increase the energy-efficiency of a property is to install solar panels on the rooftop. Read More …

3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Enough Air From Your Furnace

22 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you aren't getting a sufficient amount of heat when you turn on the office HVAC system, it might be due to the furnace. There are a variety of things that could be causing this issue, from needing to replace the filter to issues with the vents in the individual office spaces. Here are some common reasons to not have enough air coming from the furnace. The Filter is Clogged Read More …