4 Maintenance Tips for Your Home Heating and Cooling System

If you're concerned about the effect of your HVAC system on the environment, you're not alone. Learn more about how regular maintenance helps here.

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Green Comfort: How HVAC Contractors Help With Energy Efficiency

Good day. My name is Darryl and I work as a government researcher for the energy sector. I prepare reports which suggest ways that energy can be conserved and made cheaper. One area that is particularly under the spotlight is the effect of heating, ventilation and cooling systems on the environment. Whilst preparing my latest research report, I have been amazed by the energy efficiency that can be gained by installing the right HVAC systems. I even contacted professional HVAC contractors to upgrade, maintain and repair the systems in my own home because I learnt that older systems can use more energy without regular checks. I'm sure that there are others like me who aren't aware of the importance of choosing the right HVAC system. I hope to share a little of what I have learnt in my blog and help spread awareness. Thank you for your time.


4 Maintenance Tips for Your Home Heating and Cooling System

22 May 2020
, Blog

With extreme weather events occurring at all times of year, it is likely that you will need to heavily use your home heating and cooling system to keep you cool during heat waves and prevent your home from freezing during winter. Here are a few maintenance tips that can help to prevent an unexpected breakdown of your home heating and cooling system.

1. Replace Dirty Air Filters

The best thing you can do to keep your home heating and cooling system working well is to replace the air filters regularly. During periods of heavy use, be sure to open up the unit regularly and check the filters for dirt and dust. If they are clogged, remove the filters and replace them with new ones to allow air to circulate more freely within the system.

2. Inspect and Clean the Thermostat

Thermostats work better when they are clean. Wipe down the outside of your home thermostat with a damp cloth. Next, remove the cover and use a small brush, such as a paintbrush, to sweep away any dust. To clean contact points, slip a piece of paper between them to slide out dust and dirt that might prevent the unit from working properly.

Replace the batteries if there is a low battery warning, and then put the cover back on and test the thermostat. Set the unit to cool and place your hand in front of the vent to check that cold air is coming out. After a few minutes, change the settings to heat and check the vent again to ensure the air is now warm.

It is worth performing this check in advance of the start of the summer or winter season. That way, if you find any problems, you can call out an HVAC service to fix your home heating and cooling system before the heatwave or freeze starts to bite.

3. Check the Vents Are Unobstructed

If the vents of your home heating and cooling system are pumping cooled or heated air into the back of an armchair or sofa, it is unlikely that you will feel the full benefit of the system. Take a look at the vents of your HVAC system. If any items of furniture, stacks of toys, or storage boxes are blocking airflow from these vents, rearrange the room to clear the area and allow air to flow freely.

4. Schedule an Annual Inspection

If you use your home heating and cooling system extensively, it is essential that you schedule an annual checkup. During an annual HVAC inspection, a technician checks and cleans all parts, letting you know if any need replacing. Regular inspections can improve the efficiency of your home heating and cooling system and help to reduce the risk of it breaking down.